Islay House
Our Mission
GLM transformed Islay House into a boutique hotel on the Isle of Islay.

Islay House is a splendid mansion on the Island of Islay. The main block dates from 1680 but it has been altered and added to over the years, most notably by William Playfair in 1841-5. It was put up for sale in the early part of the recession and languished on the market.
Our London based, but originally American client realised that this very special property had huge potential as a highly specialised hotel, provided that its essential character as a country house could be retained. He came to GLM after having recognised that he needed an experienced design team to support him with the boring practicalities like fire precautions and their interaction with Listed Building consent, water supplies, drainage etc.
Working in close collaboration with Taylor and Fraser, who preformed the role of Main Contractor and by dint of steady concentrated effort, Islay House was transformed into a beautiful country house hotel on the Island of Islay.