How many people does it take to change a lightbulb?
Step back in time to 2010 an idea, a design movement was born. Exposed raw materials along with raw, exposed filament bulbs, began to represent far more than a fad or bulb bandwagon, but rather it was group of people who striped everything back to true authenticity a protest and rejection of a plastic society removing chintz, frills and false personas, back to the basics. Harking back to a time of old where the butcher sold quality beef, the wine merchant fantastic wine, the bakery provided bread for the burgh a passion for quality and service. Think back when you had your first flat-white, craft beer or cocktail with exposed plaster on the walls, reclaimed timber flooring and furniture from the old recycled school house – this was pretty cool, like no place you had ever been before. Like stepping back in time, served by people who love there produce and have a passion for what they do. In stark contrast to the mass chains where staff often seem as though they couldn’t care less!
Flash forward to the end of 2016. Now IKEA (the living rooms of Europe), Starbucks, Costa, MacDonald’s, shoe shop window displays, Primark, Weatherspoon’s, to name but a few, all parade their filament lights and mass manufactured reclaimed look furniture and flooring proudly across the country. No longer does the reclaimed ‘striped back look’ differentiate and communicate innovation or represent the initial food and drink revolution. Rather it now resembles a filament fad which is well and truly burning out.
Together designers, entrepreneurs, food and drink enthusiasts and the general public need to retain the originality of the ‘hanging bulb movement’, to reignite the flame for dedication to quality innovation and individuality that has taken food in the UK to another level. Together the rungs need to continue to be added to the ladder to continue this entrepreneurial design journey.
Key to this success is working together to portray an individual story through a design that captures individuality and truly represents the quality of produce and offerings. Design should look to the future, beyond the trends working together across disciplines, stories and experiences to create truly unique and forward thinking spaces.
So, how many people does it take to change a change a lightbulb? Each and every one of us has an imagination and can turn it in to a vision working with the right team. Look beyond the lightbulb that has gone and before changing it look at the bigger picture of where your business could take you.