GLM Proud Sponsors of 2013 Inveraray Highland Games
History states that when Mary Queen of Scots visited her half-sister, the Countess of Argyll in 1563, the young men of the district showed off their athletic prowess before the Queen and her entourage. This was to be the catalyst for the Inveraray Highland Games. Over four centuries later, GLM are proud to have been one of this year’s sponsors of the Highland Games on the 16th July.
Located on the Inveraray Castle grounds, the games celebrate the rich culture and Campbell Clan heritage with track and field events, piping and Highland dancing competitions, as well as the ‘heavy events’ including the world championships for tossing the caber. The remarkable showcase of games and vendors offering local Scottish cuisine and goods proved to be an enjoyable day for everyone partaking in the festivities.
GLM has a long-standing relationship with Inveraray Castle having been commissioned for a variety of works for the Duke & Duchess of Argyll over the years. Click here to read more about our work with Inveraray Castle.