Building Surveys and Home Reports – who pays?
The compulsory Home Report, love it or hate it, has become an integral part of the Scottish residential property market and can help purchasers to decide whether or not to go for a property. However some properties are exempt from the legal requirement on the seller to provide a Home Report and a purchaser has no option but to do their own due diligence. In some cases, even if one has been provided, a Home Buyer’s Report does not give enough information to provide the basis for a major purchasing decision. However a full Building Survey of the sort provided by GLM may be seen as a significant expense when a prospective purchaser does not know if they will be successful or, indeed, if they even want to submit an offer.
To make this process less painful GLM can offer the following service:
- We will quote a fee to the first potential purchaser that approaches us. With their agreement we will offer the report to subsequent parties at half price. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the full price.
- Once the sale of the property gone through we will reimburse the parties who were unsuccessful or did not bid for the property less a service charge for each. The charge will cover the provision of specific advice, responding to queries and our administration costs.
If we are asked to provide a report that is exclusive to one party, we will, of course, do that.